The Green Valley School is delighted to announce that the 2018-2019 IGCSE examinations results
Pre IG – 90% scored “C” in all FIVE subjects. “C” is the highest grade in PreIG Core subjects
Year 10 – 25% scored “A*” in all FOUR IGCSE subjects . Edexcel Maths results will be announced on 22nd August, 2019
20% scored “A” in all FOUR IGCSE subjects. Edexcel Maths results will be announced on 22nd August, 2019
A special recognition must go to all students who have exerted their efforts being committed and dedicated to their studies and duties as students which has reflected on their results. It is wonderful to see that their hard work has paid off.
We wish all students the very best of luck in their future studies. Our sincere thanks also go to our staff, and students’ families for all the help, support and encouragement.